The following reports and articles include highlights of strategies and evaluations of the Violence Prevention Initiative.
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Shifting a Paradigm to Save Young Lives
Written in 2011, this in depth Grantee magazine article provides the history and accomplishments of the Foundation’s Violence Prevention Initiative.
Homeboy to M.D.
In this 2009 Grantee cover story, Dr. Jeremy Estrada, a former Foundation campaign spokesperson, prescribes youth violence prevention programs.
Keeping Youth Safe: Strategies that Work to Prevent Violence – Highlights from the Broadcast
This overview report provides highlights from the 2004 statewide videoconference to discuss programs and public policies that prevent violence against young people. More than a dozen policymakers participated in meetings ...
A Decade of Effort, A World of Difference: The Policy and Public Education Program of The California Youth Violence Prevention Initiative
This executive summary was written in 2003 by researchers at Portland State University and examines the Foundation’s efforts to advance policies to reduce gun and youth violence.
The Violence Prevention Initiative: Accomplishments, Challenges and Lessons Learned
In 2003 the Foundation released an evaluation report on the Violence Prevention Initiative noting the impact of the public education campaigns.
Reflections on Public Policy Grantmaking
Published in 2002, this report shares the lessons learned from the Foundation’s policy grant-making strategy, highlighting examples from the campaigns supporting the Violence Prevention Initiative.
A Public Health Approach to Violence Prevention: A Review of the First Five Years of the Initiative
This cover story featured in the Foundation’s 1998 annual report describes the historic Violence Prevention Initiative and the results of the related public education campaigns.
Report on 1997 Videoconference
This report summarizes the discussion from a statewide videoconference on youth violence that included 2,000 participants at 31 sites in California.
The Campaign to Prevent Handgun Violence Against Kids: A Report on the February 22, 1995 Statewide Videoconference
Gun Violence Prevention Tools, Reports
This report provides highlights from the 1995 Prevent Handgun Against Kids videoconference that linked 18 cities across California and Washington D.C. and included 1,500 participants.