In the early 1990’s, violence against children and youth, fueled by easy access to lethal weapons, had reached epidemic levels in California. It was against this backdrop that The California Wellness Foundation invested in a groundbreaking public health approach to preventing gun violence. In 1994, the Foundation funded a campaign to educate policymakers, community leaders and the general public about the devastating effects of handgun violence as a part of its Violence Prevention Initiative. Today, California leads the nation in gun violence prevention policies. The state has reduced its youth homicide rate by more than half since its peak in 1993 and now has one the lowest firearm death rates in the nation.
STRATEGY – Learn More about the strategies behind The California Wellness Foundation’s gun violence prevention campaigns and the policies implemented.
CAMPAIGN ADS – Check out the groundbreaking television and print ads that moved gun violence prevention to the forefront of public debate.
TOOLS – Find materials that were used to educate the public and policymakers about the importance of gun violence prevention.
REPORTS – Read reports on the effectiveness of the historic campaign to prevent handgun violence against kids.